about pland

pland is a tool for creating ALTTPR plando seeds.

What is an ALTTPR seed? Check out the main website for basic informaiton if you're not familiar with ALTTPR.

What is a plando seed? A plando seed is a competitive mode for ALTTPR where players have the option to secretly plant several items before the seed is randomized.

What is here? How does it work? So far there are two main features in place. The lobbies allow you to log in via Discord and secretly submit plants, like in a plando race. It won't roll seeds, here we're mainly testing the basic functionalities like logging in and out, creating and deleting lobbies, joining and leaaving a lobby, submitting and resetting plants, etc. It will still let you submit plants and check the logic in them, so please let me know if you discover any bugs with that too.

The second main feature is the logic test. Here, you can submit plants as if you were generating a solo plando seed. This is mainly an easy way to test the logic as I've implemented it and see intuitively if there are any major mistakes. It could become a tool for generating plando seeds on its own, or something else like a tool for teaching/learning the logic.

Okay but how does it work? Ok so a 'plant' consists of an Item and a location. You'll have 1-2 item and location selectors in the lobby and an unlimited number in the logic test. When you select an item, the location list is filtered to remove locations that item absolutely cannot go by itself. If you select a location first, the item selector list is not filtered. Please give me feedback on this design.

The individual plants aren't checked against each other until you either click the submit button or the check plants button. The process for checking a list of plants is the follows: We start off with a full inventory and a world with all empty locations. We go through each item, and see 1. can it go in the assigned location? (this test should always pass, unless the user does something naughty) 2. Put the item in the location and remove it from our inventory. Check to see if we can still access the location. 3. Once we've placed all the items successfully, we then check to see if the Medallions are placeable, whether Aga1 is beatable, how many crystals are obtainable without entering GT, and how many pendants are placeable without accessing the Master Sword Pedestal.

This app doesn't/won't actually roll the seeds itself, it just checks the logic of the plants against each other. The plants will then be sent to the alttpr.com customizer, which will actually roll the rest of the seed.